Yesterday evening it took me 57 minutes to drive home.
A lorry parked itself in the left lane of Lornie road toward Thomson, about half a kilometre after Sime Road. A few guys were hanging around and chatting. This caused a massive jam from there to Adam Road to Farrer Road to Queensway to Alexandra.
I don't understand why no one from the authorities were doing anything. No LTA. No traffic police. No announcements. I joined the queue just after Alexandra Road. I was hoping to hear something on radio on the cause so as to decide whether to make a detour. But there was nothing.
So I could only hope that the cause of the jam was just 100 metres away and then traffic would be smooth. But it was 100 metres of false hope after 100 metres of false hope.
Shouldn't we each get a $10 credit to be used for ERP?